Thursday 16 August 2012

Quiet Reading

Quiet reading in our home...
I have prepared a set of rules for us to discuss as I intorduce a 'formal' quiet reading time into our morning school. We havent had this as a formal time before. The girls can chose any book they like for this reading time.
I am going to be setting a 40 book challenge for my 9 year old this year - more on that later :)

Quiet Reading

Looks Like:
Our family sitting wherever they are comfortable, reading their book.

Staying still in one place ‘till reading time is up.

Choosing another book if you finish the one you are reading.

Using your ‘Strategies’ bookmark if you need help with a word.

When reading time is over, finding a good ‘stopping place’ in your book.

Using your bookmark to keep your place in your book.

Treating books nicely.

People putting their book away on their own shelf when Quiet reading time is over.

Sounds Like:
People reading to themselves in a quiet voice, or in silence.

Touching mummy on the arm, if you are stuck with a word & cannot work it out with your ‘Strategies’ bookmark.

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